dinsdag 14 november 2023

Een creatie gemaakt in op dracht voor de buurtjes voor
een meisje die onlangs jarig was...
Op de achtergrond zien jullie deze feeenstoel met vleugeltjes
in 3d erop gemaakt en de vleugels in lagen met glitter erop..

A creation that I made in commissioned for the neighborhoods
for a little girl who has recently her Birthday....
On the background you see a fairy chair with wings behind it
made in 3D with glitter on the wings and golden glitter on the chair...

Op de stoel zit dit leuke meisje een plaatje van de Paper Shelter..
Ik heb haar weer in vele lagen gemaakt met glitter op de accenten
verder bovenaan de verjaardagsgroet...met aan de linkerkant wat
gekleurde bloemetjes met verder nog wat leuke decoratie erbij...

On the chair is sitting this lovely girl a image from the Paper Shelter..
I made her again in many layers with glitter on the accents at the
top you see the Birthday greeting...on the left have I add some flowers
in different colors further some nice decoration like the make up things...

En dit is de achterkant van de creatie met hier ook weer
de stoel met de grote vleugels in 3D erop met glitter...

And this is the back of the creation with again the chair with
the big wings behind it in 3D with glitter....

Hier heb ik een ander meisje van de Paper Shelter bijgedaan
zij staat voor de stoel....Ook haar weer in vele lagen gemaakt met
glitter op de accenten... met een ronde verjaardagsgroet erbij en
aan de linkerkant een paarse teddybeer met bovenaan een zelfgemaakte
3D bloem van foam....

Here have I add another girl from the Paper Shelter this one is standing
in front of the chair.....I made her also in many layers with glitter on the
accents,,,with here a round Birthday greeting and on the left light purple
teddy bear with a the top another of my selfmade flowers made of foam...

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en fijn als je weer een berichtje achterlaat...

Thanks for visiting and I would appreciate it when you leave a message....

I join:

Digi Choosday Cardmaking & Crafting Challenge: Card making, Craft, Papercraft Scrapbooking challenge - WK 45 Anything Goes - Digi Choosday challenge
Polkadoodles Cardmaking, Craft & Scrapbooking Challenge: Wk 44 - Card making & paper craft challenge - Anything Goes creative craft challenge at Polkadoodles
A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge: A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge #11-2023
Word Art Wednesday: Anything Goes - Weeks #621-622
The Paper Funday Challenges: November Challenge #59 Anything Goes with Optional Twist: Grateful, Thankful, Thank You
Crafty Catz: Crafty Catz #658 -Make it Sparkle (craftycatzweeklychallenge.blogspot.com)
Ellibelle's Corner: Ellibelle's Crafty Wednesday November Challenge (simplyellibelle.com)
Love To Scrap Challenge Blog: LTSCB #164 Anything Goes + LTSCB #163 Winner & Top Picks
Love To Craft Challenge Blog: LTCCB #77 Anything Goes + LTCCB #76 Winner & Top Picks
Rabisco Challenge: Desafio/ Challenge - Novembro/November (#51)
Creative Fingers Challenge Blog: Challenge #265.
C.R.A.F.T. Challenge: Challenge #697 For A Child / Children (trimmiescraftchallenge.blogspot.com)
A Place To Start: NOVEMBER 2023 - ANYTHING GOES w/OPTIONAL TWIST: SOMETHING FOR A CHILD (hereisaplacetostart.blogspot.com)
613 Avenue Create: NOVEMBER 2023 - ANYTHING GOES w/ OPTIONAL TWIST: EMBOSSING (Wet or Dry) (avenue613.blogspot.com)
Jan's Digi Stamps Challenges: November 2023 - Anything Goes (jansdigistampschallenges.blogspot.com)
Through The Purple Haze Challenges: Challenge #210
Let's Craft and Create: Challenge #201 - AG + Stitched Up (Real or Faux) (letscreatechallenges.blogspot.com)
Crafty Calendar Challenge : November Challenge - 'Anything Goes'
crafting from the heart: Challenge 7 (craftingfromtheheartchallengeblog.blogspot.com)
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge Blog: Penny's Challenge #559 (pennyschallenges.blogspot.com)
LeAnns World 101: November - Challenge #66 (challengeleannsworld101.blogspot.com)
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge ...: #217-Mirtillamente
The Fairy and The Unicorn Challenge: TFATU November 2023 #11 AGF theme main launch post
Challenge #575 - Warm & Fuzzy ~ The Paper Shelter
CD Sunday Plus Challenge: CD Sunday Plus Challenge #123 - hosted by Margaret (cdsundaychallenge.blogspot.com)
Ally's Angels: Challenge #76 + Challenge #75 Winner & Top Picks (alessandrasangels.blogspot.com)
Allsorts challenge blog: Week 754
Morgan's ArtWorld: Morgan's ArtWorld Challenge #11 (morgansartworld.blogspot.com)
Triple B: November Challenge (dd-tripleb.blogspot.com)
My Bestie Spanish Challenge Blog: Noviembre, Reto #113 del 2023 ! (mybestiesspanishchallengeblog.blogspot.com)Pattie's Creations Design Challenge: Challenge 212 (pattiescreationschallenge.blogspot.com)


38 opmerkingen:

  1. Lovely as always, Yvonne. Such great detail and sparkle. Thank you so much for joining the challenge at Allsorts.

  2. Such a beautiful card and sweet image, Yvonne. So glad you joined our current challenge on The Paper Shelter Challenge B;log. Good luck and hope to see you again. Lori - DT

  3. So pretty and colourful. Thanks for taking part at Allsorts.

  4. Sweet sweet image! Thanks so much for joining us the month at The Paper Funday Challenge!

  5. Beautifully created. A perfect card for a little girl - I'm sure she loved it.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Jo x
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  6. Who wouldn't want a chair like that?! And the little girls are real cuties.
    CD Sunday Plus DT.

  7. I am sure the young lady loved her card.
    Carol xx
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  8. Very creative and pretty!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Triple B!
    Diane TB Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Triple B}

  9. Very Angelic, Yvonne! As always you have loads of detail that sets your cards apart. Thank you for sharing your darling creation with us at Jan's Digi Blog Challenge. Good Luck!
    (Owner & Illustrator of Jan's Digi Stamp Shop)

  10. Thanks for playing along at The Paper Funday Challenge, we look forward to seeing more of your lovely designs soon.
    Donna xx
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
    Paper Funday Challenge
    Inspiration Station Challenge

  11. Yvonne, she's so pretty! Thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create. I hope we see you on the front porch again soon!

    Hugs, Em
    613 Avenue Create DT
    Creative Em my blog
    Creative Em on YouTube my Youtube channel

  12. Beautiful card! :) Thanks a lot for joining us at Let`s Craft and Create :)

  13. Thanks for sharing at TFATU's anything goes fantasy challenge! I hoped that you saw at the bottom of our post that TFATU will have a name change in 2024. It's new name will be Heart's Quest Fantasy challenge blog. The same blog address will be used for 2024, so keep it saved in your favorites/bookmark sites on your computer, please. Marvelous fairy image!

  14. No I did not see that thanks for letting me know Becca.XX

  15. What a beautiful card, the little girl will love it. Thank you for sharing with us over at Morgan's ArtWorld. Love to see you join in each month.
    ~ Gail CT

  16. This is so nice. It goes perfectly with our theme “Anything Goes” at Pattie’s Creations Design Challenge.
    Artist & Owner

  17. What a gorgeous card, thanks for sharing it with us at The Fairy and Unicorn Challenge Blog.
    Ilonka DT

  18. Such beautiful butterfly fairies on this gorgeous card!
    Thank you so much for sharing this month at my Crafty Wednesday challenge!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  19. Gorgeous card beautiful fairies and thanks for joining us at Crafty Calendar x

  20. So cute!!! Thanks so much for participating in our LIL PATCH OF CRAFTY FRIENDS challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Have a happy crafty day!! Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper
