dinsdag 28 juni 2022

Vandaag kom ik langs met deze A4 beterschapskaart voor iemand
die geopereerd is aan haar knie ....Een achtergrond van een tuin met
een tuinhuisje erop op de randen van het dak heb ik tulle gedaan...

Today I show you this A4 Get well soon card that I made for someone
who had surgery on her knee...With a background of a garden with a 
gazebo where I put tulle on the edges of the roof.....

Verder zie je een groentetuintje een kikker en een kaboutermeisje
in een hangmat voor het huisje met naast haar een grappige kat met
muts....Alles is weer in vele lagen gemaakt met glitter en voor het gras
bij de kabouter heb ik flowersoft gebruikt dit lijkt net echt gras....

Further you see a vegetable garden with a frog and a gnome girl in a
hammock in front of the gazebo with next to her a funny cat with a cap...
Everything is made in layers with glitter on the accents and for the grass
in front of the gnome I have used flowersoft that looks so real...

En dit is de achterkant van de kaart hier ook weer een achtergrond
van een tuin met bloempotten en zakken potgrond...

And this is the back of the card with here also a background of a
garden with flower pots and bags of potting soil....

Hier zie je een kaboutermannetje hij is het gras aan het maaien
bovenop de maaier heb ik weer wat flowersoft gedaan als gras...
Ook weer in lagen gemaakt en hier nog 2 leuke teksten erbij en
een leuk hondje met een muts op...Alles komt van de digital CD
van Debbi Moore ''Gnome Gardening'''....

Here you see a gnome man he is mowing the grass with his lawnmower
on the mower I have used again flowersoft for the grass...
Also made in layers with here 2 nice texts and a nice doggy with a cute
cap on....Everything is from the digital CD from Debbi Moore ''Gnome gardening''.

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en leuk als je een berichtje achterlaat...
Thanks for visiting and I would appreciate it when you leave a message...

I join:

Crafting Happiness Challenges: #124 June: Anything Goes Always
Digi Choosday Cardmaking & Crafting Challenge: WK 26 - Anything Goes Card making, Crafting and Papercrafting challenge - Digi Choosday challenge
Polkadoodles Craft Challenge: Wk 26 Card making & crafting challenge - Anything Goes at Polkadoodles


50 opmerkingen:

  1. A fun card, thanks for sharing it with us at Allsorts this week.

  2. This is a lovely card and sure to make the recipient feel better with those jolly gnomes. Thank you for sharing with us.
    Jocelyn x
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  3. Lovely and colourful. Thanks for joining AYLI challenge. Elaine

  4. Super card. Wonderful character and lovely colours.
    Thank you for joining in with us at Fab'n'Funky challenges.
    Buffy (DT) xx

  5. This is really pretty Yvonne, it's sure to help them feel better.
    CD Sunday Plus DT.

  6. what a fun filled card with all the details lol, thanks for sharing at Crafty Catz challenge Tilly

  7. Fun filled scene. Thanks for taking part in my So Girly challenge at Allsorts. Lynn x

  8. This is a beautiful card. Love the gnomes. Thank you for joining our challenge at
    Let's Craft and Create this week and good luck.. Ursula Uphof DT

  9. Wow....what a beautiful scene :)
    Thanks a lot for joining us at Let`s Craft and Create :)

  10. So sweet and adorable. Thanks for sharing with us at The Sisterhood of Crafters.

  11. Beautiful!! So much great detail!! Your little gnome gardener has created a beautiful garden!! Thanks for joining the fun and playing along with our SUMMER challenge over at Cardz 4 Guyz!!

  12. Wow this is stunning and thanks for sharing at Crafty Catz

  13. Your mini scenes are super cute. Thanks for sharing with us at Use Your Stuff

  14. Lovely card and a great design there is so much beautiful detail…….thanks so much for joining us on the Polkadoodles Wk 26 Digi choosday challenge….

    Love and crafty hugs from

    Wendy (DT)

  15. Wow! What a great card, sure to make anyone feel better. I love the little frog!
    Thanks for joining us.
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  16. I love this card, its got so much in it, and I am sure who ever receives it will love it too,
    Thank you for joining us
    CD Sunday plus DT

  17. What a beautiful scene and a gorgeous garden. Special details added and the back of the card is superb. Thanks for Shopping your Stash with us this time. x

  18. How fab! Loving the scene you made! Thank you for joining us a Polkadoodles Digi Choosday :) Best of Luck!
    Maz DT

  19. super cuuuute gnomies and their garden home is adorable! thanks for SHOPPING YOUR STASH with us this time!

  20. Wat een lief kaartje is dit geworden, bedankt dat je meedoet bij Polkadoodles

  21. Genoeg te zien op jouw tuinkaart! Hopelijk kan de ontvanger daar snel weer van genieten in het echt. Leuk dat je meedoet bij Penny's paper challenge. Groetjes Ela DT

  22. This is just so brilliant. There is so much detail. Your friend is going to love it. Thanks for joining us at Cardz4guyz. Love Dawn x

  23. Such a gorgeous card! The detail that you created is amazing 😁. Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday! Hugs Jo x

  24. There are never ending chores related to a summer garden. Great detail in your mini work of art. Thank you for sharing your card with us at Cardz 4 Guyz. Cheers, Jolanda

  25. Lindo, lindo, lindo!! Obrigada por estar conosco no My Besties Brasil!! Te espero no próximo mês!! Claudia Martins - DT/ Coordenadora

  26. So cute, Yvonne! Thanks for joining in at Dream Valley.

    love Mags B x
