Bestie sticker

Bestie sticker


vrijdag 14 maart 2025

Vandaag laat ik deze kerstcreatie zien een design weer van Polka
Art Studio......Een A 4 formaat met op de achtergrond een doe
lijstje en een papierenrol....Het is een boek dus het eerste vel heb 
ik er in 3D opgemaakt zodat het volume krijgt...

Today I show you this Christmas creation a design again it'an
A 4 size with on the background a do list and a paper roll...
It's a book so I have made the first page in 3D so that it gets more volume...



Links zie je dit leuke meisje zitten met onder haar cadeaus...
Bovenaan de Kerstgroet met in het midden van het boek een
Kerstboom met eronder wat kleine labeltjes....
Rechts een pocket van de kerstman met erin wat leuke dingetjes
die je er uit kan halen....Alles is in vele lagen gemaakt met glitter..

On the left you see this lovely girl sitting on the roll with a couple
of presents under her.....Above the Christmas greeting with in the
middle of the book a nice Christmas tree and a few little tags...
On the right a pocket of the Santa within a few Christmas things what
you can take out of it...


Hier zie je de plaatjes eruit liggen deze komen uit de Kerstpocket...

Here you see the Christmas stuff out of the Santa pocket...


En hier zie je de achterkant van de Kerstcreatie....
De eerste pagina van het boek heb ik weer in 3D erop gemaakt...

And here you see the back of the Christmas creation....
The first page of the book have I made again in 3D...


Hier zie je aan de linkerkant twee dames die aan het kerstshoppen
zijn.....Met sneeuw op de huizen en op de grond van Ijskristal..
Rechts zie je een shoplijstje met wat attributen erbij zoals de Santa
de kerstsok en de Kerstboom....In het midden van het boek nog wat
labeltjes met een rood koord eraan....De dames heb ik in vele lagen
gemaakt en met glitter bewerkt...

Here you see on the left side two ladies they are going for a Christmas
shopping...With snow on the houses and on the ground I used Ice Crystal
for the snow...On the right you see a shopping list with a few things on it
like the Santa and the Christmas stocking and tree...In the middle of the book
two labels with a red rope.....The ladies have I made in many layers and
edited with glitter...

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en leuk als je weer een berichtje achterlaat...

Thanks for visiting and I would love it when you leave a comment...

I join:
Digi Choosday Cardmaking & Crafting Challenge: Challenge 3, week 1 - Anything Goes - Card making, Craft, Papercraft Scrapbooking challenge - Digi Choosday
Polkadoodles Cardmaking, Craft & Scrapbooking Challenge: Challenge 4, Wk 1 - Anything goes Card making, craft, scrapbooking challenge, Polkadoodles
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge ...: #249-Rachelle Anne Miller
Word Art Wednesday: Anything Goes - Weeks #691-692
CD Sunday Plus Challenge: CD Sunday Plus - Challenge #153 - hosted by Jo.
March 2025 | Park Hopping, My Happy Place
Mirtillamente Challenge: Mirtillamente Challenge #41 - MARCH 2025 - ANYTHING GOES
A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge: A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge for March, #3-2025
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge Blog: Penny's Challenge #592
Morgan's ArtWorld: Morgan's ArtWorld Challenge #86
Crafty Catz: Crafty Catz Challenge #689
We Love to Create mixed media Challenge Blog...sponsored by Polkadoodles: Challenge 3 - Craft, Card making & Scrapbooking mixed media challenge - Anything Goes
Crafts Galore Encore Challenge Blog: MARCH 2025: Crafts Galore Encore Challenge #133 Anything Goes
Do-Al(l) Kreatives - CHALLENGE BLOG: #99 - Wasserfallkarte
Gem of A Craft Challenge: Challenge 3, week 2 - Anything Goes Card Making & Paper Craft Scrapbook challenge - Gem of a Challenge
StarInMyPocket ~ StarStampz: Challenge 68 - Anything Goes/Choose 3 of 5 Colours: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue
Creative Fingers Challenge Blog: Challenge #296.
Creatalicious Challenges: Challenge #286 ANYTHING GOES with optional use green
Conjurer of Dreams: Anything Goes ... with Carole Jones
Love To Scrap Challenge Blog: LTSCB #172 Anything Goes + LTSCB #171 Winners & Top Picks
Love To Craft Challenge Blog: LTCCB #85 Anything Goes + LTCCB #84 Winner & Top Picks
Mix It Up Challenge Blog: MIUCB #76 Anything Goes + optional Layers / MIUCB # 75 Winner & Top Picks
As You Like It Challenge: Favourite: Monochrome or Colourful (and why)
Ellibelle's Corner: Ellibelle's Crafty Wednesday - March Challenge (and Exciting News!!)
The Paper Funday Challenges: March 2025 Challenge #74 - Anything Goes with Optional Twist: Weather Related
Let's Craft and Create: Challenge #217 - AG + Purple and Green
C.R.A.F.T. Challenge: Challenge #750 Spring / Weather /Anything Goes
The 12 Months of Christmas Link Up: Challenge #120: ANYTHING GOES CHRISTMAS with the Optional Twist…OWLS
Merry Little Christmas Challenge Blog: MLCCB #61 Anything Christmas Goes + MLCCB #60 Winner & Top Picks
March 2025 | Park Hopping, My Happy Place
CREATIVE INSPIRATIONS: March Challenge - Anything Goes!
Challenge #629 - Anything Goes with the optional twist of Alter It! ~ The Paper Shelter

5 opmerkingen:

  1. A magical Christmas make,thank you for joining in at CD Sunday Plus

  2. Absolutely beautiful with all these wonderful images!
    Thanks so much for joining in at my Crafty Wednesday challenge!

    PS: In case you missed it ... there is brand new monthly challenge on my blog - "Ellibelle's Garden Party" where always anything "Garden" goes. Hope you'll check it out sometime :)
    Ellibelle's Corner

  3. WOW!! That is amazing so many lovely things to see! It's wonderful. Thank you for sharing your project with us at the Conjurer of Dreams “Anything Goes” Challenge. Good luck and we hope to see you again soon!

  4. Such a fun creation - so much to see and love!! Thank you for sharing your project with us at the Crafts Galore Encore “Anything Goes” Challenge. Good luck and we hope to see you again soon!

  5. Another great card Yvonne. thank you.
    Carol xx
    CD Sunday Plus DT
