Bestie sticker

Bestie sticker


vrijdag 20 september 2024

Een andere verjaardagscreatie die ik heb gemaakt en ook weer
een design van de Paper Shelter.....Deze plaatjes had ik gewonnen
bij een wedstrijd en kon ik dus zelf uitzoeken.....

Another Birthday creation that I made with again a design from
the paper Shelter....These images have I won recently at a challenge
and I can pick them out myself, how nice is that....

Op de achtergrond zie je een ouderwetse brievenbus met een
postbode die de brieven/kaartjes eruit haalt....
Ik heb dit in vele lagen gemaakt en met glitter weer bewerkt...
Verder heb ik de Verjaardagsgroet bovenaan gedaan en zelf heb ik
er nog diverse brieven/kaatjes in 3D bijgedaan...Op de envelop die
de postbode in zijn handen heeft staat de naam van de ontvanger...

On the background you see an old fashioned mailbox with the postman
he takes the letters/cards out of the mailbox......
I made this in many layers and with glitter on the accents edited...
Further the Birthday greeting at the top and I add myself a few Letters/cards
in 3D.....On the envelope that the postman has in his hand you see the name in
gold for the receiver...




En dit is de achterkant van de creatie en deze is heel kleurrijk
met het thema muziek.....

And this is the back of the creation and its so colorful with the 
theme music....


Hier zie je in het midden een leuke fret staan met een saxofoon...
Ik heb hem ook weer in vele lagen gemaakt en met glitter bewerkt..
Ook hier heb ik er weer wat leuke attributen bijgedaan zoals de
teksten van de muziek en de speakers.....Ook weer een design van
de paper Shelter...

Here you see in the middle a cute ferret with a saxophone....
I made him also in many layers and with glitter on the accents....
Further some nice decoration like the lyrics of the music and the
speaker....And again this is a design from the paper Shelter....

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en leuk als je weer een berichtje achterlaat...

Thanks for visiting and I would love it when you leave a message...

I join:
A Place To Start: SEPTEMBER 2024 - ANYTHING GOES (
Polkadoodles Cardmaking, Craft & Scrapbooking Challenge: Wk 37 - Card making & paper craft challenge - Anything Goes creative craft challenge at Polkadoodles
Digi Choosday Cardmaking & Crafting Challenge: WK 37 Anything Goes - Card making, Craft, Papercraft Scrapbooking challenge - Digi Choosday
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge Blog: Penny's Challenge #580 (
Word Art Wednesday: Anything Goes - Weeks #665-666
CD Sunday Plus Challenge: CD Sunday Plus - Challenge # 142 - hosted by Margaret (
Classic Design Challenge Blog : Classic Design Challenge #09-2024 Sep/Oct - Anything Goes with Optional Twist: Autumn/Fall
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge ...: #238-Mirtillamente
September 2024 | Park Hopping, My Happy Place ( postman
Scrapping4funChallenges: September - #239 - Anything Goes with a stamp
The Paper Funday Challenges: September 2024 Challenge #69 - Anything Goes with Optional Twist: Create Your Own Background
Colorful Options: September 2024
SheepSki Designs Challenges: CHALLENGE #90 ANYTHING GOES (
Crafts Galore Encore Challenge Blog: SEPTEMBER 2024: Crafts Galore Encore Challenge #127 (
Morgan's ArtWorld: Morgan's ArtWorld Challenge #80 (
We Love to Create mixed media Challenge Blog...sponsored by Polkadoodles: Challenge 8 - Craft, Card making & Scrapbooking mixed media challenge - Anything Goes (
The Crafting Challenge: Anything goes
Love To Scrap Challenge Blog: LTSCB #169 Anything Goes + LTSCB #168 Winner & Top Picks
Love To Craft Challenge Blog: LTCCB #82 Anything Goes + LTCCB #81 Winner & Top Picks
Incy Wincy Designs Challenge -1st to the 25th every month: SEPTEMBER 2024: ATC and/or CAS
Mirtillamente Challenge: Mirtillamente Challenge #35 - SEPTEMBER 2024 - ANYTHING GOES (
StarInMyPocket ~ StarStampz: Challenge 62 - Anything Goes/Men or Boys
Creative Moments: Challenge #262 *Interactive* (
Creative Fingers Challenge Blog: Challenge #285.
Crafty Gals Corner: Challenge #259 ~ Anything Goes w/optional twist - Add a Ribbon (
CREATIVE INSPIRATIONS: September Challenge - Anything Goes! (
Let's Craft and Create: Challenge #211 - AG + Use A Sketch (
Ellibelle's Corner: Ellibelle's Crafty Wednesday - September Challenge (
Critter Crazy CHALLENGE BLOG: Challenge #90 - Anything Goes with a Featured Critter (
Crafty Animals: Challenge #87
Crafty Catz: We Are Back- Crafty catz challenge #678 (
Fab 'n' Funky Challenges: Challenge #600....and a prize! (
Ally's Angels: Challenge #86 + Challenge #85 Winner & Top Picks (
Gem of A Craft Challenge: Wk 18 Anything Goes Card Making & Paper Craft Scrapbook challenge - Gem of a Challenge (
Allsorts challenge blog: Week 798 🐠
Creatalicious Challenges: Challenge #281 ANYTHING GOES with optional mythical creatures
The Creative Crafters: Challenge #80 (
Alphabet Challenge Blog: M is for Masculine

vrijdag 13 september 2024

Vandaag laat ik jullie deze verjaardagscreatie zien die ik heb gemaakt
voor de vriend van mijn vriendin die jarig is geweest in Augustus...
Hij is gek met honden daarom deze creatie met op de achtergrond een
zomers tafereel alles is van de paper Shelter...

Today I show you this Birthday creation that I made for my girlfriend's
boyfriend who had his Birthday in August....
He is crazy with dogs so I made this for him with a background of a summer
day ,everything is from the Paper Shelter...

In het midden zie je deze grappige hond met een grote zonnebril op
zittend in een zwembadje.....Ik heb deze in vele lagen gemaakt met
glitter op de accenten met een lieveheersbeestje op de rand van het badje..
Bovenaan de Verjaardagsgroet  en twee grote bloemen in vele lagen en
met glitter bewerkt....Verder nog wat decoratie zoals de grote bij en het ijsje...

In the middle you see this funny dog with big sunglasses on sitting in a 
swimming pool....I made this is many layers with glitter on the accents on
the edge of the swimming pool you see a ladybird....
At the top the Birthday greeting and two selfmade big flowers in many layers
and with glitter edited....Further some decoration like the bee and the water ice...


En dit is de achterkant van de creatie hier een achtergrond in bruine
kleurtjes ook alles weer van de Paper Shelter...

And this is the back of the creation with a background in brown colors
and also from the Paper Shelter...


Hier zie je een jongen met zijn hond ze zijn samen aan her rennen..
Ik heb hun ook weer in vele lagen gemaakt en met glitter bewerkt..
Bovenaan heb ik zijn leeftijd er op gezet rechts onderaan zie je nog
een brief/kaartje liggen mat aan de andere kant een zak patat...

Here you see a boy running with his dog....I made them again in many
layers and edited it with glitter on the accents....
At the top I have put the numbers of his age with at the right bottom a
letter and on the other side a  bag of fries...

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en leuk als je weer een berichtje achterlaat...

Thanks for visiting and I would love it when you leave a message..

I join:
A Place To Start: SEPTEMBER 2024 - ANYTHING GOES (
Polkadoodles Cardmaking, Craft & Scrapbooking Challenge: Wk 36 - Card making & paper craft challenge - Anything Goes creative craft challenge at Polkadoodles
Digi Choosday Cardmaking & Crafting Challenge: WK 36 Anything Goes - Card making, Craft, Papercraft Scrapbooking Digi Choosday challenge
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge Blog: Penny's Challenge #580 (
Word Art Wednesday: Anything Goes - Weeks #665-666
CD Sunday Plus Challenge: CD Sunday Plus - Challenge #141 - hosted by Jo (
Classic Design Challenge Blog : Classic Design Challenge #08-2024 Jul/Aug - Anything Goes with Optional Twist: Geometric Designs/Shapes
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge ...: #237-SheepSki Designs
September 2024 | Park Hopping, My Happy Place (
Challenge #609 - Punches and/or Dies ~ The Paper Shelter
As You Like It Challenge: Favourite: To Layer, or not (and why)Always layering becuuse of
the dimension..
A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge: Oops!
Scrapping4funChallenges: September - #239 - Anything Goes with a stamp
The Paper Funday Challenges: September 2024 Challenge #69 - Anything Goes with Optional Twist: Create Your Own Background
Cardz 4 Galz: #233 It's Hip to be Square
Try it on Tuesday: Make it Colourful (
Colorful Options: September 2024
SheepSki Designs Challenges: CHALLENGE #90 ANYTHING GOES (
Crafts Galore Encore Challenge Blog: SEPTEMBER 2024: Crafts Galore Encore Challenge #127 (
Morgan's ArtWorld: Morgan's ArtWorld Challenge #80 (
We Love to Create mixed media Challenge Blog...sponsored by Polkadoodles: Challenge 8 - Craft, Card making & Scrapbooking mixed media challenge - Anything Goes (
The Crafting Challenge: Anything goes
Love To Scrap Challenge Blog: LTSCB #169 Anything Goes + LTSCB #168 Winner & Top Picks
Love To Craft Challenge Blog: LTCCB #82 Anything Goes + LTCCB #81 Winner & Top Picks
Incy Wincy Designs Challenge -1st to the 25th every month: SEPTEMBER 2024: ATC and/or CAS
Mirtillamente Challenge: Mirtillamente Challenge #35 - SEPTEMBER 2024 - ANYTHING GOES (
StarInMyPocket ~ StarStampz: Challenge 62 - Anything Goes/Men or Boys
Creative Moments: Challenge #262 *Interactive* (
Creative Fingers Challenge Blog: Challenge #284.
Crafty Gals Corner: Challenge #259 ~ Anything Goes w/optional twist - Add a Ribbon (
CREATIVE INSPIRATIONS: September Challenge - Anything Goes! (
Let's Craft and Create: Challenge #211 - AG + Use A Sketch (
Ellibelle's Corner: Ellibelle's Crafty Wednesday - September Challenge (
Ellibelle's Corner: I Spy With My Little Eye ....... Something From the Garden (Challenge No. 18) (
Critter Crazy CHALLENGE BLOG: Challenge #90 - Anything Goes with a Featured Critter (
Crafty Animals: Challenge #87
Crafty Catz: We Are Back- Crafty catz challenge #678 (
Fab 'n' Funky Challenges: Challenge #600....and a prize! (

dinsdag 3 september 2024

We zijn weer met een nieuwe wedstrijd begonnen bij My Besties
Dutch Girls DT, alles mag met elke digi...
Ik heb dus deze creatie gemaakt met op de achtergrond een spookachtig
bos met een enge zwarte boom....Met om de boom heen oranje pompoenen
die ik in 3D erop heb gemaakt en bewerkt heb met glitter...


We are beginning with a new challenge at My Besties Dutch Girls DT,
anything goes with all digi's company you like to work with...
I made this creation with on the background a spooky forest with a scary
black tree....With around the tree a couple of orange pumpkins that I made
in 3D and edited with orange glitter....

Het meisje op de pompoen is dus een nieuw plaatje van My Besties
en is in mooie zachte kleurtje gemaakt....Ik heb er ook weer in vele 
lagen gemaakt met chameleon glitter op de vleugels en het wit van haar
jurk...Verder nog wat spookachtige teksten erbij twee vleermuizen een
grote zwarte spin en in de boom twee gele wiebelogen.....

The girl on the pumpkin is a new image from My Besties and is in nice
soft colors made....I made her again in many layers with chameleon glitter
on the wings and the white of her dress....Further two spooky texts with two
bats a big spider and in the tree you see two yellow googly eyes how spooky...



En dit is de achterkant van de creatie met ook weer de zwarte boom
en de oranje pompoenen er in 3D opgemaakt met glitter....
De achtergrond heb ik ook nog met zwarte inkt bewerkt...

And this is the back of the creation again with the black tree and the 
orange pumpkins made in 3D and with glitter...
The background have I also edited with black ink...






Hier heb ik een ander plaatje van My Besties bijgedaan een
donker meisje met een lichaam van een pompoen...
Ook haar heb ik weer in vele lagen gemaakt en met glitter bewerkt...
Hier zie je rechts een leuke spooky tekst staan met erboven een
grote spin en ook 1 aan de andere kant....
En ook hier heb ik weer twee wiebelogen in de boom gedaan deze zijn rood..

Here another image from My Besties a girl with a pumpkin as a body
and she is a dark skin girl....
I made her also in many layers with glitter on the accents...
On the right you see a spooky text with above a big spider and another
spider on the other side...
I have again add two googly eyes in the tree some red ones this time...

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en fijn als je weer een berichtje achterlaat...

Thanks for visiting and I would love it when you leave a message...

I join:

A Place To Start: SEPTEMBER 2024 - ANYTHING GOES (
Polkadoodles Cardmaking, Craft & Scrapbooking Challenge: Wk 35 - Card making & paper craft challenge - Anything Goes creative craft challenge at Polkadoodles
Digi Choosday Cardmaking & Crafting Challenge: WK 35 Anything Goes - Card making, Craft, Papercraft Scrapbooking Digi Choosday challenge
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge Blog: Penny's Challenge #579 (
Word Art Wednesday: Anything Goes - Weeks #663-664
CD Sunday Plus Challenge: CD Sunday Plus - Challenge #141 - hosted by Jo (
Classic Design Challenge Blog : Classic Design Challenge #08-2024 Jul/Aug - Anything Goes with Optional Twist: Geometric Designs/Shapes
Ally's Angels: Challenge #85 + Challenge #84 Winner & Top Picks (
Gem of A Craft Challenge: Wk 17 Anything Goes Card Making & Paper Craft Scrapbook challenge - Gem of a Challenge (
Allsorts challenge blog: Week 796
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge ...: #237-SheepSki Designs
September 2024 | Park Hopping, My Happy Place ( Forest..
Challenge #607 - Back to the Books ~ The Paper Shelter Its halloween
Krafty Chicks Challenge : Krafty Chicks Challenge #731: ATG (Anything Goes)
As You Like It Challenge: Favourite Colouring Medium (and why)Digital coloring
because I make always images in many layers...
Dream Valley Challenges: Challenge# 321 - Anything Goes
My Time To Craft!: MTTC #541 theme is "Something Related To Trees" starts 23 August 2024 (
A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge: Oops!
Scrapping4funChallenges: September - #239 - Anything Goes with a stamp
The Paper Funday Challenges: August 2024 Challenge #68 - Anything Goes with Optional Twist: Summer Holidays/Vacation
Cardz 4 Galz: #232Pretty in Pink
Try it on Tuesday: Make it Colourful (
Colorful Options: September 2024
SheepSki Designs Challenges: CHALLENGE #90 ANYTHING GOES (
Crafts Galore Encore Challenge Blog: SEPTEMBER 2024: Crafts Galore Encore Challenge #127 (
Morgan's ArtWorld: Morgan's ArtWorld Challenge #80 (
We Love to Create mixed media Challenge Blog...sponsored by Polkadoodles: Challenge 8 - Craft, Card making & Scrapbooking mixed media challenge - Anything Goes (
fourseasons: Fall Season September 2024 Challenge (
The Crafting Challenge: Anything goes
My Bestie Spanish Challenge Blog: SETIEMBRE RETO #122 2024 (
Love To Scrap Challenge Blog: LTSCB #169 Anything Goes + LTSCB #168 Winner & Top Picks
Love To Craft Challenge Blog: LTCCB #82 Anything Goes + LTCCB #81 Winner & Top Picks
Incy Wincy Designs Challenge -1st to the 25th every month: SEPTEMBER 2024: ATC and/or CAS
Mirtillamente Challenge: Mirtillamente Challenge #35 - SEPTEMBER 2024 - ANYTHING GOES (
Pearly Sparkles Challenge Blog: Challenge 99 - Traci's Recipe Challenge: Pink, Pearls and/or Sparkle