maandag 20 november 2023

Gisteren was mij moeder jarig en daar hoort natuurlijk een creatie
bij gemaakt door haar dochter......En deze is het geworden een grote
meloentaart met allemaal vruchtjes eromheen zoals aardebeien bessen
en bramen.....De stukken meloen en de taart met de vruchten aan de
bovenkant zijn er in lagen opgemaakt met groene glitter op de kroontjes
van de aardbeien.....

Yesterday it was the birthday of my mother and that includes a creation
made by her daughter.....And this is what it became a big melon pie with all
kinds of fruits on it, such as strawberries berries and blackberries....
The top piece of the pie and the pieces of melon are made in layers with green
glitter on the crowns of strawberries....

Bij de taart deze mooie fee in het licht groen gekleed met een witte
sjerp om haar heen....Ik heb haar in vele lagen gemaakt met op de vleugels
en de jurk licht groene glitter.....Verder nog de verjaardagsgroet erbij en
een ronde tekst met Just for You en links zie je een papegaai zitten op de bessen...

At the pie you see this lovely fairy in a light green dress with a white sash
around her...I made her in many layers with light green glitter on the wings
and on her dress....Further the Birthday greeting and a round label with Just
for You on the left at the berries you see a parrot...

En dit is de achterkant van de grote meloentaart ook weer in lagen
erop gemaakt met glitter op de accenten....Met hier een rode verjaardagsgroet
en een label ook in het rood met With Love erop....

And this is the back of the bog melon pie again made in layers just as the
front with glitter to the accents....Here have I add a red Birth day greeting
and a red label with the text With Love...

Hier heb ik er een fee bijgedaan in een rood/gouden jurk en ook
weer in vele lagen met glitter op de vleugels en jurk....
Voor de juwelen heb ik gouden glitter gebruikt wat heel mooi overkomt...
De feeen zijn een design van Debbi Moore uit de herfstcollectie...

Here have I add a fairy with a red/golden dress on and again made in
many layers with glitter on the wings and dress...
I used gold glitter for the jewelry, which look very nice...
De fairies are a design from Debbi Moore from the Autumn collection...

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en fijn als je weer een berichtje achterlaat...

Thanks for visiting and I would love it when you leave a message...

I join:

Digi Choosday Cardmaking & Crafting Challenge: Card making, Craft, Papercraft Scrapbooking challenge - WK 45 Anything Goes - Digi Choosday challenge
Polkadoodles Cardmaking, Craft & Scrapbooking Challenge: Wk 46 - Card making & paper craft challenge - Anything Goes creative craft challenge at Polkadoodles
A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge: A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge #11-2023
Word Art Wednesday: Anything Goes - Weeks #621-622
Crafty Catz: Crafty Catz #659 Anything Goes (
Ellibelle's Corner: I Spy With My Little Eye ...........Sparkle and/or Shine (Challenge No. 9) (
Love To Scrap Challenge Blog: LTSCB #164 Anything Goes + LTSCB #163 Winner & Top Picks
Love To Craft Challenge Blog: LTCCB #77 Anything Goes + LTCCB #76 Winner & Top Picks
Creative Fingers Challenge Blog: Challenge #266.
613 Avenue Create: NOVEMBER 2023 - ANYTHING GOES w/ OPTIONAL TWIST: EMBOSSING (Wet or Dry) (
Jan's Digi Stamps Challenges: November 2023 - Anything Goes (
CD Sunday Plus Challenge: CD Sunday Plus Challenge #123 - hosted by Margaret (
Ally's Angels: Challenge #76 + Challenge #75 Winner & Top Picks (
Allsorts challenge blog: Week 755 🎄
Classic Design Challenge Blog : Classic Design Challenge November # 11
November 2023 | Park Hopping, My Happy Place ( Autumn  village..
Fairies Efteling park...
Creatalicious Challenges: Challenge #271 ANYTHING GOES with optional Thanksgiving/thank you
Gem of A Craft Challenge: Card Making & Paper Craft Scrapbook challenge - Wk 23 Anything Goes (
The Creative Crafters: CHALLENGE #70 (
The Crafting Challenge: Anything goes
Alphabet Challenge Blog: Q is for Quadruple Shapes or Images
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge ...: #218-Beccy's Place
fourseasons: Fall Season November 2023 Challenge (
Papercraft Challenges: Challenge #100 - Happy Birthday (
Colorful Options: November 2023
Inspiration Station: Inspiration Station November 2023 - Inspiration Prompt #55 (
Mix It Up Challenge Blog: MIUCB #68 Anything Goes + optional Stamping + MIUCB #67 Winner & Top Picks


32 opmerkingen:

  1. Absolutely gorgeous and thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create x

  2. Those fruits look delicious. I'm sure your mother loved her card.
    CD Sunday Plus DT.

  3. Such an unusual card. Like Pamela says, the fruits look delicious. Another great creation.
    Jo x
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  4. Very creative with all the fun details, your Mom was one lucky lady to receive this!!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at The Four Seasons!
    Diane FS Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Four Seasons}

  5. Yvonne, this literally is so sweet! Thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create. I hope we see you on the front porch again soon!

    Hugs, Em
    613 Avenue Create DT
    Creative Em my blog
    Creative Em on YouTube my Youtube channel

  6. Pretty and delicious! I'm sure your Mother loved it. Thanks for joining us at Allsorts challenge.

  7. Wow! These are so beautiful! Love the images and stunning cut out designs! Thanks so much for sharing your creation with us at the MIU Challenge!

  8. A great card and I guess a certain someone loves melon!!
    Carol xx
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  9. The fairies are gorgeous but, oh my, what delicious fruit!! I may just need to pick up a watermelon today, sadly they never taste great this time of the year!!
    Thank you so much for sharing this week at Allsorts challenge!

  10. Thank you Ellie I don't like watermelon lol.XX

  11. Wow! Your card looks like it was such a lot of work. Thank you for playing along with us at Crafty Catz Challenges

  12. Beautiful creation! Thank you for sharing with us over at The Creative Crafters.
    ~ Sherry DT/Admin xx

  13. What a beautiful card! I especially love your unusual design, so unique! Thank you for joining us at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends, and I hope to see you again soon. Hugs, Jinny

  14. Beautiful images! Thanks for playing along at The Inspiration Station Challenge, we look forward to seeing more of your lovely designs soon!
    Donna xx
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
    Paper Funday Challenge
    Inspiration Station Challenge

  15. Beautiful card! Thanks for playing at The Crafting Challenge Dt Manuela

  16. Such a magical set of cards! Thank you for taking part in our "Happy Birthday" challenge over at Papercraft Challenges! Have a lovely day and happy crafting!!!

  17. Another fabulous 3D creation Yvonne. Thanks so much for sharing with this month's "I Spy With My Little Eye" challenge theme "Sparkle and Shine"
    Pauline xx
