maandag 23 januari 2023

Vandaag deze winterkaart in een A4 formaat gemaakt in de breedte
met een achtergrond van een ijskamer met grote ramen erin...
Voor het ijs heb ik weer ijskristal gebruikt dit komt zo mooi over..

Today a winter card in a A4 size made in width with a background
of a ice room with large windows in it....
For the ice I have used again Ice crystal this looks so real and bright...

In de kamer zit deze ijskoningin op haar troon met aan de andere
kant een ijssoldaat met in het midden van de kamer een ijsbeer...
Alles is weer in vele lagen gemaakt met verschillende kleurtjes
glitter op de accenten...Met bovenaan een strook met bloemetjes
en geborduurd eronder een groet met sneeuwvlok en nog twee 3D
ijsbloemen.....Dit alles komt van de digital CD van Debbi Moore
Ice Queen......

In the room is sitting this beautiful ice queen on her throne with on the
other side a ice soldier with in the middle of the room a ice bear...
Everything is made again in many layers with different colors of glitter
on the accents...With on the top a edge with flowers and embroidered with
under that a greeting and a snowflake with on both sides a 3D ice flower...
Everything is from the digital CD from Debbi Moore ''Ice Queen''....

En dit is dan de achterkant van de A4 kaart met hier een achtergrond
van een winters bos in de sneeuw ...Hier heb ik ook weer voor de sneeuw
ijskristal gebruikt...Met hier ook weer wat sneeuwvlokjes en 3d ijsbloemen...

And this is the back of the A4 card with here a background of a winter
forest in the snow...Here again Ice crystal for the snow.....
here also a few snowflakes and some 3D ice flowers...

Hier zie je een grote ijsbeer en op de achtergrond een ijsbeer met
een harnas aan en een ridder erop.....Ook deze zijn in vele lagen
gemaakt met glitter onderaan nog en 3D groene roos met ijskristal
erop en bij de beer met harnas nog een leuke tekst...

Here another large ice bear with on the background a ice bear with
armor and a knight on it ....Also made in many layers with glitter with
a 3D green rose at the bottom and a lovely text by the bear....

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en leuk als je weer een berichtje achterlaat...

Thanks for visiting and I would love it when you leave a message...

I join:
Word Art Wednesday: Anything Goes - Weeks #579-580
613 Avenue Create: #202301-JANUARY 2023 ANYTHING GOES W/Optional Twist: Winter Theme (
A Place To Start: JANUARY 2023 - ANYTHING GOES (
A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge: A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge #1-2023
Creatalicious Challenges: Challenge #251 ANYTHING GOES with optional winter sports
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge ...: #198-Conie Fong


54 opmerkingen:

  1. Truly a magical card! You created very nice scenes. The queen looks so proud. And I admire your background. I can really imagine that there is a throne room. Wonderful decoration with all the (metal) flowers and those stunning polar bears.
    Thank you for participating in the Everybody Art Challenge.
    Hug Uschi

  2. Such a magical scene.
    Thank you so much for joining us this week at Crafty Catz.
    GDT Chrissyxx

  3. Beautiful card. Great scene you created. Thank you for joining us at the CRAFT Challenge blog.

    Renske, CRAFT DT

  4. Love the fantasy theme, and how you placed the images. Thank you so much for joining us in our challenge at Crafting Happiness Challenges Good Luck and looking forward to seeing you again in our next challenge.
    Faith A DT

  5. A magical fantasy theme. Made me think of a couple of TV series that have been on recently. I love the polar bears. Thank you for sharing with us.
    Jocelyn x
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  6. Beautiful winter scene!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Peace On Earth!
    Diane POE Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Peace On Earth}
    {Stencil Fun}

  7. Thanks for sharing your creature with us at Critter Crazy, CarolG

  8. A beautiful card.
    Thank you so much for entering our challenge this week at CRAFT Challenge looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs Sheryl CRAFT DT xx

  9. Such a beautiful winter card! Thank you for playing with us at the MMM Challenge and hope you can join in again soon.
    Secrets To Stamping
    Join my Creative Creases Challenge for fun folds!

  10. Great Winter scene and fantastic design. Thanks for joining in at The Paper Funday Challenge and we hope to see more from you soon.
    Donna xx
    Inspiration Station Challenge
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge

  11. Beautiful! Loving the different elements with the magical ice queen and those adorable polar bears - perfect 😊 . Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday! Hugs Jo x

  12. Magical! Thanks for joining in with Wk3 Polkadoodles Challenge. Sonja (DT)

  13. You have created such a lovely scene Yvonne, very dramatic. Love the addition of the ice crystals.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  14. This is so beautiful! Thank you for entering MMMChallenge.

  15. Awesome card!! Thanks so much for participating in my ONCE UPON A TIME challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Have a happy crafty day!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

  16. Stunning Yvonne! Thanks for your sharing with us at 613 The Avenue Create! Hope to see you again soon,
    Hugs, Kate (Cards a la Kate)!

  17. A beautiful card as always Yvonne.
    CD Sunday Plus DT.

  18. Beautiful and lovely wintery card, I love the ice queen and the polar bear on the back.
    Thank you for joining us
    CD Sunday plus DT

  19. Beautiful project!
    Thank you for participating in the Mirtillamente January Challenge.
    I hope to see you soon!
    Roberta DT Mirtillamente

  20. A fabulous winter card. Thanks for joining us at Make My Monday. Love Dawn x

  21. Beautiful. So glad you shared over at Make My Monday.

  22. As always, your work is simply beautiful! Thanks for another wonderful submission to 613 Avenue Create!
    Chana Malkah, Owner

  23. So glad I get to see this lovely project again! Nicely done. Thanks for sharing with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana Malkah, Owner

  24. Great card, I love the magical fantasy images. Thanks for joining the Star Stampz challenge.

  25. Het is een mooi winters tafereel.
    Super leuk dat je meedoet aan onze challenge.

    -xies- Renate.
    (DT Papercraft Challenges)

  26. Hello, I just want to let you know that the World Wide Open Design Team Challenge has a new name and blog address. You can find it here. Worldwide Crafters and Colorists Challenge.
    We hope to see you there.
    ~ Sherry DT/Admin/Coordinator xx
