maandag 7 november 2022

Vandaag kom ik langs met deze grote A4 Kerstkaart
gemaakt van de digital CD van Debbi Moore ''Christmas
Melody'''....Een achtergrond van een buitenkant van een
huis waar je het raam ziet met ervoor een boom met hulst..
Ik heb ijs gedaan op de accenten van het raam en op de hulst
besjes dit heb ik weer met ijskristal gedaan....

Today I show you this large A4 Christmas card made from a digital
design from Debbi Moore ''Christmas melody'''...A background
with an outside of a house where you see the window with a holly
tree with berries in front of it...I add ice on the accents of the window
and on the berries I did this with ice crystal...

Bij het raam en op de tak van de hulstboom zitten
roodborstjes met een kerstmuts op en een sjaal om..
Het zijn de kerstmis vogeltjes zangers en zijn in vele
lagen gemaakt met chameleon glitter op het bont en op hun
buikje....Geheel rechts bovenaan zie je een grote kerstbal
met ook een roodborstje erop met een leuke tekst erbij...
Ook hier weer ijs op het raam en chameleon glitter op het
vogeltje en als laatste gouden glitter op het hangelement van de bal.
Tenslotte heb ik er nog 1 van mijn zelfgemaakte 3D Kerstbloem
bijgedaan in het zilver met ook weer glitter erop....

By the window  and on the twig of the holly tree are sitting robins
with a Christmas hat on and a shawl around the neck...
They are the Christmas song birds and I made them in many layers
with chameleon glitter on the fur and the body...On the right at the
top you see a big Christmas bauble with also a robin on it and with a
nice text...Here also ice crystal on the window and chameleon glitter on
the fur and the body and at last golden glitter on the hanging element..
And finally I have 1 of my 3D Christmas flowers in silver color on the bottom..

En dit is de achterkant van de A4 kerstkaart met
hier een achtergrond van een rij huizen met op de 
voorgrond een brievenbus en een hulstboom...
Weer sneeuw op de besjes van het hulst en op de
bovenkant van de brievenbus met twee leuke teksten erbij..

And this is the back of the A4 Christmas card with here a
background with a row of houses with in the front a red 
mailbox and another holly tree with berries...
Again snow on the berries and at the top of the mailbox
with two lovely Christmas texts above...

Hier heb ik 1 groot roodborstje en een kleinere op
het hulst gedaan beide ook weer in vele lagen....
Deze hebben geen kerst muts op maar wel chameleon glitter
op het buikje met onderaan een kleine 3D kerstbloem in het goud...

Here have I put a big robin in the front and a smaller one at the
holly tree both made in many layers....
This robins are not having a Christmas hat on but they do have
chameleon glitter on the body with a small 3D Christmas flower at the bottom..

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en leuk als je weer een berichtje achterlaat..

Thanks for visiting and I would appreciate it when you leave a message...

I join:
Classic Design Challenge Blog : Classic Design Challenge November # 11
A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge: A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge #11-2022


81 opmerkingen:

  1. What a lovely collection of Christmas Robins, thanks so much for sharing at our Sparkle and Shine theme at Allsorts challenge this week.

    B x

  2. Very pretty winter scenes created with the Christmas Robins. Many thanks for joining the Sparkle & Shine challenge at Allsorts.

  3. A beautiful card, love all the sweet little robins! Thank you for joining in at Crafty Calendar and Crafty Catz Challenges.

  4. Dat ziet er prachtig uit Yvonne. Een mooie bijdrage voor de Challenge bij Carlin's Kaartenparadijs.
    Karin DT

  5. Beautiful card, love the snow and sparkle! Thanks for playing along with us at Sparkles Christmas Challenge.

  6. What a lovely scene - so very sweet. Thank you for joining us at The Alphabet Challenge xx Lynda/Loopyloo DT

  7. Those are lovely decoupaged birds, so festive! Thanks for sharing with us at The Jan's Digi Stamps Challenge!
    Donna xx

  8. Very lovely card! Thanks for joining us at Krafty Chicks Challenge this past week for our Stamp Act theme :) Hope you join us again soon.
    Diane - DT

  9. Beautiful Card, Yvonne! Looks like he has a whole choir to sing and rejoice in the season. Thank you for sharing your chirpy card with us at Jan's Digi Blog Challenge. Good Luck and Happy Crafting!
    (Owner & Illustrator of Jan's Digi Stamp Shop)

  10. This is a lovely winter scene, Yvonne. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday!

  11. Een mooie winterse kaart.
    Bedankt voor je deelname aan onze lopende challenge van Carlin's Kaartenparadijs.
    Succes !
    Carla DT

  12. How cute those little birds are! I love the sentiment and layered "tag" in your creation, and the dimensional snow! So happy I got to see your creation at Jan’s Digi Stamp Challenges . Thanks for the inspiration, and I hope to see more of your designs soon.
    Crafting Smiles,
    {Creative Smiles - my little crafting world}

  13. I love this different card from you Yvonne. Beautiful.
    Carol xx
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  14. Thanks Donna for the second comment.XX

  15. I absolutely love this card Yvonne. A great card for your third and final entry into challenge #97.
    CD Sunday Plus DT.

  16. WOW ... what beautiful creations! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Peace On Earth challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often. We appreciate your support!


  17. Yvonne: Both are beautiful!!! Thanks for including MTTC 'critters' theme in your links! --Becca/DT

  18. You’ve done a brilliant job decorating this A4 card Yvonne! Both the front and back are delightful scenes! Thanks for sharing with us at 613 The Avenue Create, I hope we’ll see you again soon!
    Hugs, Kate (Cards a la Kate)!

  19. Beautiful traditional Christmas card! Thanks for joining my P for Precious theme at Alphabet Challenge
    Deborah DT

  20. Wow this is gorgeous I love it TFS over at LTC
    Elaine DT

  21. Beautiful!!! Thanks so much for participating in our CRITTER CRAZY challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Have a happy crafty day!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

  22. love that group of holiday birdies ... so very glad you joined us at Jingle Belles.

  23. This is gorgous Thanks for entering you card at Daisy Chain Challenge
    Wauw,super tof Leuk dat je meedoet met onze challenge bij Daisy Chain Challenge
    DT Daisy Chain Challenge
    Je kan mij nu ook vinden op You tube:

  24. Fantastic digi card with those images! the robins are so cute. Thanks for joining us at Polkadoodles, Good luck and hoe we'll see you again soon!

  25. I love this Yvonne. The robins look so cute with their little hats on. A beautiful card.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  26. Such a beautiful card, Thanks for sharing it with us at the LeAnn;s World 101 Challenge.
    Hugs Ilonka DT

  27. Beautiful card, I love robins and this is a beautifully designed card
    Thank you for joining us
    CD Sunday plus DT

  28. Stunningly beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana Malkah, Owner

  29. Love this, Yvonne, such lovely festive birds! So pretty for Christmas! Thanks so much for playing at Sparkles!

  30. Hello... thanks for entering lovely Christmas card into the challenge at Crafty Friends. Good luck and hope you will join us again.
    Diane Louise (Team Leader) xx

  31. A beautiful winter scene card, the images and scene look lovely, thank you for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesdays.

  32. What a lovely image. This is a great holiday card, and thanks for sharing it with us at Try It on Tuesday. hugs-Erika

  33. Beautiful card! Love all the Birdies and detail!
    Thank you for your entry at Scrapping4funChallenges.
    Rachelle DT

  34. Super cute robins. So pleased you could join our Jingle Belles humorous card challenge this fortnight!

  35. Hi ! Your project is beautiful. Thank you for play with us at My Besties - Spanish Challenge and good luck. Lovely work.
    Wendypink ( ) DT en:

  36. Tu trabajo es muy lindo!!
    Gracias por participar con nosotras en My Besties Spanish Challenge Blog (DT)

  37. lovely card. Thank you for participating at Jans digital stamp challenge blog.
    DT member
