dinsdag 12 juli 2022

Vandaag kom ik langs met deze kerstkaart met een
achtergrond van een brievenbus met brieven....
De brieven die eruit steken zijn in lagen gemaakt en
ik heb op de bovenste brief een Kersttekst gedaan...
Deze heb ik gewonnen bij de kerstwedstrijd op facebook
en het is van Jan's Digi Stamps Shop....

Today I show you this Christmas card with a background of a
mailbox with a couple of letters...
The letters sticking out the mailbox are made in layers and on
the upper one I have added a Christmas text...
I have won this image at the Christmas challenge on facebook
and the digi is from Jan's Digi Stamps Shop...

Bij de brievenbus zit dit lieve meisje van My Besties
in haar skipak...Ook haar heb ik in vele lagen gemaakt
met glitter en om de paal van de brievenbus zit een gouden
Kerstslinger...Verder nog een grote 3D bloem in het blauw
en op de rode strik bovenaan een mooie juweel button...

At the mailbox is sitting this sweet girl from My Besties in
her ski suit...I made her also in many layers with glitter and 
around the pole of the mailbox I have added a golden garland..
Further a large 3D blue flower and on the red bow at the top
a beautiful jewel button...

En dit is de achterkant van de brievenbus met hier
ook weer de brieven in lagen maar met een andere tekst
erbij en een kerstbal...

And this is the back of the mailbox with here also the letters
in layers but with another text and a bauble on it...

Hier ook weer een digi van My |Bestie een meisje
in haar kerstkleding ze zit op een grote sneeuwbal...
Voor de sneeuw heb ik ijskristal gebruikt en op het
bont van het meisje zit chameleon glitter...
Naast haar een rode kerstboom en op de rode strik
een andere mooie parel button...

Here also a digi from My Besties with a girl with Christmas
clothes on she is sitting on a big snowball...
For the snow I have used ice crystal and for the fur by the girl
I have add chameleon glitter on...
Next to her a red Christmas tree and on the red bow a pearl button...

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en leuk als je een berichtje achterlaat..

Thanks for visiting and I appreciate it when you leave a message...

I join:
           Crafting Happiness Challenges: #125 July: Anything Goes Always
Digi Choosday Cardmaking & Crafting Challenge: WK 28 - Anything Goes Card making, Crafting and Papercrafting challenge - Digi Choosday challenge
Polkadoodles Craft Challenge: Wk 27 Card making & crafting challenge - Anything Goes at Polkadoodles
613 Avenue Create: #202207-JULY 2022 - ANYTHING GOES w/OPTIONAL TWIST: BLACK AND WHITE (avenue613.blogspot.com)


41 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful Christmas cards, Yvonne. The digi images are adorable. I love the colors. Thanks for sharing at 613 Avenue Create's July, "Anything Goes with a Twist/Black & White" Challenge.

  2. Very cute image and beautiful project. Thank you for sharing it at Polkadoodles Blog.
    Hope to see you again soon.
    Nunzia DT

  3. So many interesting details to looks at on these fun little Christmas creations! Thanks for linking up to The Krafty Chicks Challenge this week!

  4. So many beautiful details on this fabulous Christmas card, a lovely combination of elements and digis, so much to admire! Thanks for joining us at Fab'n' Funky.

  5. Magically heartwarming card Yvonne! Wonderful attention to details and layers. Thank you for showcasing "Holiday Joy" on your festive creation and sharing it with us at Jan's Digi Blog Challenge. Looking forward to seeing what you do next. Good Luck and Happy Crafting!
    (Owner & Illustrator of Jan's Digi Stamp Shop)

  6. Beautiful image and lots of wonderful details! Your card is amazing! Thanks for sharing your card with us at Jans Digi stamp challenge!

  7. I like the blue flower and that huge red bow, another great creation.
    CD Sunday Plus DT.

  8. Thank you for sharing your festive collage with others, Yvonne!

  9. This is a wonderful set of cards! Love the depths you have given the characters! Thank you for playing along with our "For the girls" challenge over at Papercraft Challenges! I hope you'll have a fabulous day and happy crafting, Maike

  10. Thanks Maike have a great day too.XX

  11. These cards are so lovely and elegant!
    Thanks for playing along with us at INAS.

  12. So beautiful card!! Thanks for joining us at the Cardmaking & Craft Challenge with Polkadoodles ♡

    Gaby @MyEnchantedColors

  13. Lovely christmas card, full of interesting pieces
    Thank you for joining us
    CD Sunday plus DT

  14. Thank you for sharing your warm colours for Christmas with us at AYLI. Sarah DT

  15. Wow Yvonne, these are brilliant. So much beautiful detail.
    Thank you for entering our Anything Goes Challenge at Through The Craft Room Door. Looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs Sheryl xx

  16. What a great card Love all the interesting additions on your card. Cute image and nice coloring. Thank you for sharing with us over here at Merry Little Christmas Challenge Blog and best of luck with your entry.
    Barbara DT Member for https://merrylittlechristmaschallenge.blogspot.com/

  17. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing at A Place to Start!

  18. Tu trabajo es muy lindo!!
    Gracias por participar con nosotras en My Besties Spanish Challenge Blog (DT)

  19. Congratulations! You were selected as a RISING STAR for the week of July 11- 17, 2022 at A Place to Start ! Please stop by our blog and grab your badge.
    The Design Team

  20. How wonderful thank you so much Chana.XX

  21. Wonderful card, thanks for joining us at Penny's paper challenge. Hugs Ela DT

  22. So pretty. Great design, colors and thanks for sharing over at Aud Sentiments.

  23. A lovely card, beautifully done.
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  24. Beautiful card ..love the details and great design
    Thank you for joining us at My Bestie Aussie Challenge
    Good Luck
    Rose DT

  25. Lovely card and a great design there is so much beautiful detail…….thanks so much for joining us on the Polkadoodles Wk 28 Digi Choosday challenge….

    Love and crafty hugs from

    Wendy (DT)
