vrijdag 22 juli 2022

Mijn herinneringskaart voor de wedstrijd bij My
Besties 3D And More, altijd alles mag....
Een kaart in de vorm van een koffiebeker in bruine
tinten met twee papieren rietjes erin...

My Besties 3D and More: More Challenge Inspiration 20 July 2022 (mybesties3ddecoblog.blogspot.com)

My reminder card for the challenge at My Besties 3D
And More,always anything goes...
A card in the shape of coffee cup in brown colors with
two paper straws in it....

Met op de beker dit leuke koffie beestje met vleugels
en een jurkje aan...Gemaakt in vele lagen met glitter
op de accenten van de vleugels en het jurkje met ernaast
een koffielepel...Bovenaan zie je een grappig bijtje met een
houten ton met honing ook in lagen gemaakt...Aan de andere kant
van het bijtje een verjaardagsgroet met een klein bijtje erbij...

With on the cup this cute coffee bug with wings and a lovely dress...
Made in many layers with glitter on the accents of the wings and the dress
with next to it a teaspoon....Above you see this lovely little bee with a
wooden barrel with honey and also made in layers with glitter...
On the other side a birthday greeting and a little bee above it...

Dit is de achterkant van de koffiebeker met bovenaan
grote letters met COFFEE....En hier een blij bijtje
ook weer in lagen met zwart/silver glitter op zijn lijfje...

And this is the back of the coffee cup with at the top big letters
with COFFEE....And here a happy bee also made in layers
with on his body black/silver glitter...

Hier zie je een zittend koffie beestje in een schattig
jurkje en ook weer met vleugels....Ze is in lagen gemaakt
met ook hier weer glitter op de accenten van de vleugels
en het jurkje...

Here you see another sitting coffee bug with a lovely dress on
and also with wings....She is made again in layers with glitter
on the accents of the wings and the dress....

Bedankt voor je bezoekje en leuk als je weer een berichtje achterlaat.

Thanks for visiting and I would appreciate it when you leave a message..

I join:
     Crafting Happiness Challenges: #125 July: Anything Goes Always
Digi Choosday Cardmaking & Crafting Challenge: WK 29 - Anything Goes Card making, Crafting and Papercrafting challenge - Digi Choosday challenge
613 Avenue Create: #202207-JULY 2022 - ANYTHING GOES w/OPTIONAL TWIST: BLACK AND WHITE (avenue613.blogspot.com)
Word Art Wednesday: Anything Goes - Weeks #553-554


36 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow, love those fun bees and the coffee cup shape, very creative! Thanks for joining us at Cardz 4 Guys.

  2. Ph so cute and whimsical. Thanks so very much for joining us this time at the Creative Fingers challenge.

  3. Love this Yvonne. Thank you for sharing with us over here at The Creative Crafters Challenge and best of luck with your entry.
    Wendy DT Member for https://creativecrafterschallenge.blogspot.com/

  4. Beautiful creation!
    Thanks for joining us at A Place To Start!

  5. Adorable coffee card...fun take on our "congratulations" challenge over at Cardz 4 Guyz. Thanks for playing along with us!!

  6. super leuke kaart
    bedankt voor het meedoen
    groetjes jolanda bongers
    dt starstampz

  7. Yvonne this is just brillianr.
    Thank you so much for entering our challenge this week at CRAFT Challenge looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs Sheryl CRAFT DT xx

  8. Me again wearing a different DT hat. Still loving this card!
    Thank you for entering our Anything Goes Challenge at Through The Craft Room Door. Looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs Sheryl xx

  9. Fabulous shape and design- your cute little coffee bugs are right at home on the cup! Thanks for playing along with our Anything Goes Challenge at Fab’n’ Funky

  10. Great project! This coffee cup is created so beautifully. The bee and this butterfly are really so cute and both of them have been placed so gorgeous. I love the spoon and the two straws. This cup is really able to convey sunny greetings.
    Thank you for participating in the EAC Challenge.
    Hug Uschi

  11. So cute. great project. Thanks for sharing over at Cardz 4 Guyz.

  12. So adorable! Loving the cuteness and all the sparkle - perfect 😁. Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday! Hugs Jo x

  13. Adorable image - fun shape to the creation! Thank you for joining us at Digi Choose Day - hope to see you again.

  14. It's so amazing! Thanks for sharing at EAC! Christin

  15. Oh she is just fabulous! Thanks for joining us over at Arty Divas this month, Angela (DT) xoxo

  16. Beautiful creation! Thank you for playing at Dragonfly Dreams Challenge!

  17. Suuupercute!
    Thank you for participating in the Rabisco Challenge!
    Good luck and hope to see you again. (Next month is our month and our birthday party, you are our guest)
    Claudia Martins DT / Coordinator

  18. So cute, I love all the details! Thanks so much for joining us over at CRAFT Challenge!

  19. A fabulously cute card. Thank you for joining in at the Cutie Pie challenge. Lynne DT
